The cycling tourist’s charter
Before setting off by bike on my cycling trip:
1/ I use low-carbon means of transport to reach La Vélidéale cycle route
- I favour sustainable transport, or eco-friendly modes of transport. Where possible, to reduce my carbon footprint, I opt for more ecological forms of transport such as public transport to reach the cycle route.
During my cycling outing or trip:
2/ I protect nature
- I stick to the designated cycle route tracks. I respect the natural habitats that I ride through by following the waymarked tracks and paths, avoiding disturbing the local flora and fauna in any manner. Stepping or riding repeatedly over ground can damage habitats, cause soil erosion and spoil young shoots, hence the habitat or forest of the future. In addition, by entering into an animal’s secure space, it may very well defend itself by fleeing, which causes it stress, leading it to expend unnecessary energy and potentially perturbing its biological rhythm, rest or even reproduction, as well, possibly, as causing it temporarily to abandon its young.
- I do not pick wild flowers. Harvesting wild plants removes habitat, nourishment and potentially refuge for many species. It also diminishes the capacity for regrowth and can lead to a significant reduction in the numbers of a given species.
- I observe nature, making myself as inconspicuous as possible. Observing animals is a fascinating activity and doesn’t need to be harmful to other species as long as it’s done as discreetly as possible.
- Some tips: keep downwind of animals as far as possible, as many have a very sensitive sense of smell; avoid sudden movements that may frighten an animal; make as little noise as possible; lastly, binoculars will allow you to admire animals better from a distance.
- I respect protected natural areas and zones such as the Regional Natural Parks (Parcs Naturels Régionaux) and fragile protected natural zones (Espaces Naturels Sensibles). I follow the rules laid down in these areas or zones.
- I avoid fires. I commit to being very careful on this matter, as fire can spread very fast, notably in forests, causing terrible damage to flora and fauna. If I’m a smoker, I carry a small ashtray in my pocket.
3/ I take the right action to conserve our landscapes and to avoid pollution
- I carry a bin bag with me to collect all my rubbish and then recycle it as necessary, instead of leaving rubbish, say from a picnic, in the countryside.
- I opt for sustainable objects as far as possible, such as reusable cups, cutlery, bottles and bags.
4/ I save on my water and electricity consumption as far as possible on my cycling trip. Water, while abundant in these parts, comes at a hidden cost in terms of human consumption. Every litre of water I use involves the need for a certain amount of energy, adding to my and the world’s carbon footprint. By reducing my water consumption, I help reduce humankind’s global carbon footprint.
I also make a conscious effort, via simple actions, to reduce as much as possible my electricity consumption, for example using lights and heating sparingly, turning these off when not needed.
5/ I eat local, seasonal produce. I favour local produce, in that way supporting the local economy and contributing to more environmentally friendly forms of consumption. I also focus on buying seasonal produce as far as possible.
6/ I opt for eco-friendly forms of consumption. When planning my cycling trip, I opt for accommodation and eateries committed to sustainable environmental practices. In terms of accommodation, there are accreditations and certifications to look out for: the EU ecolabel; l’Affichage environnemental, an environmental ranking in France, going from A to E; Clef Verte (Green Key); Ecogîtes and Panda accredited addresses, part of the Gîtes de France network; Green Globe; and more. As to restaurants, look out for: Ecotable; Green Food; Clef Verte (Green Key); and more.
7/ I show respect for local inhabitants and I do my best to learn about and enjoy local culture. I recognize how local inhabitants can help me share knowledge of local culture and allow me to discover things and meet people I wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to appreciate by myself.
8/ I make efforts to understand the environments that I’m cycling through. I favour nature discovery activities with specialist nature and science guide, helping learn in an enjoyable way. I also aim to discover the local cultural heritage of the areas I pass through.