Frequently asked questions from travellers

How do I find my way around La Vélidéale?

The Vélidéale is signposted in both directions along the entire route. Signs have been put in place so that cycle tourists can easily find their way. Deviations may sometimes be created in the event of roadworks, flooding, etc. When there is a change to the provisional route, we indicate this in the text of the stage concerned. 

Are there any guidebooks or leaflets for La Vélidéale?

At the moment, we haven't published any topoguides, but we'll do so soon!

You can download the Vélidéale leaflet from our website here (in French) .

You can pick it up at any of the Tourist Offices along the route. You can also find the whole route on our itinerary page.

Is it possible to use your smartphone to guide you?

How can I find the GPS tracks for the stages of La Vélidéale?

On the La Vélidéale route page, you can download all the .GPX files for the route by clicking on ‘Download the .GPX file for La Vélidéale’. 
If you would like the GPS track for a single stage, click directly on the stage sheet and download the .GPX file at the top of the sheet.

How can I use a .GPX track for my journey?

You can add this .GPX file to your bike GPS or to your mobile phone using an application. There are several of these, including GPX Viewer, Visorando and Orux Map. Some of these applications offer an offline mode. This is very useful when you're in an area where the internet network is limited. 

Downloading my .GPX track doesn't work - what can I do?

So that we can help you, could you tell us: which GPX track are you trying to download? With which browser (Firefox, Safari, Google, etc.)? You can write to us using our contact form.

Is it possible to geolocate yourself on the La Vélidéale website?

Yes, from the ‘Cycle route’ page menu, you can click on the ‘geolocation’ pictogram (black dot surrounded by a circle on the left), and a window will ask you to authorise the site to access your location. This allows you to see your position in relation to the route and certain services.