Frequently asked questions from travellers
How do I get to Lac de Vassivière?
To get to Lac de Vassivière while reducing your carbon footprint, we advise you to take the train.
You can use the Tictactrip tool to help you. It allows you to calculate the different means of transport to get from point A to point B. You can fill in your point of departure, city of arrival and desired dates. The tool will suggest train, carpooling, bus or combined transport. You can take the train to Eymoutiers/Vassivière station and cycle to Royère-de-Vassivière (if they have them with them on the journey), a journey of around 48 minutes.
Be careful, though, it won't be easy. You'll be taking several trains (TGV+TER), so you'll need to make several bookings. Check that it is possible to reserve a bike space. If not, you run the risk of not having a space available on the train, or of bikes that have not been dismantled being refused.
You can reserve your bike space at the same time as your train ticket, by ticking the ‘Add a bike’ box. Book my sncf ticket
How do I park my car when starting out from Lac de Vassivière?
Initial information about parking in Royère de Vassivière can be found on the Mairie Plan/Accès - Royère-de-Vassivière (
The Town Hall (05 55 64 71 06), the Le Lac de Vassivière Tourist Office (05 55 69 76 70) or the Royère de Vassivière Information Point (06 63 77 32 12) will be able to give you more informed advice.
How do I park my car when starting out from Saint-Nazaire?
You can find a first level of information about parking in Saint-Nazaire on the Ville de Saint-Nazaire website:
The town hall (02 40 00 40 00) or the Saint-Nazaire tourist office (02 40 22 40 65) will be able to give you more informed advice.
If you are staying in Saint-Nazaire the night before your departure, you should be aware that some Accueil Vélo accommodation may allow guests to park their vehicles for longer periods. Don't hesitate to ask the accommodation provider.
Is it possible to hire bikes on the route?
You can hire bicycles to ride La Vélidéale. We recommend that you contact the Accueil Vélo bike hire companies that you can find along the route directly from our website.
You can also contact the tourist offices near your starting point.
Is there a luggage transport/transfer service?
All the Accueil Vélo-labelled accommodation on this website is able to transfer your luggage to the next accommodation. This service is either free or subject to a charge. Be sure to inform the accommodation provider in advance of your visit.
You can also use transport companies specialising in luggage transfers for cycling holidays.
Further information on our dedicated webpage.
Where can I find water points and toilets?
- The #Gourdefriendly 💧| Hoali map shows public filling points and also #GourdeFriendly establishments. Bars, restaurants, shops, hotels... these establishments fill passers-by's water bottles for free! (application also available).
- Think about it: in every cemetery in France, you'll find one or more water taps!